Polar Brotherhood
Historical reconstruction for documentary about air battle over Murmansk
Close cooperation with historians, usage of archival records and schemes, interviews with aviators and eyewitnesses allowed us to provide both high-grade visual and veracious story.
This project was a difficult and challenging task to complete, and we put a lot of effort and skills to portray this important and little-known story of incredible act of courage and bravery. This incident took place at Murmansk in September 1941 and was accomplished by soviet and British pilots, who worked together as a team and fearlessly stood against German Nazi invaders.
We were inspired by memoirs of practical aviators and real chronicles. It was our goal to show the story as authentically as it was possible, so we spent long hours to create exact battle reconstructions.

FX Development


Explore next
Opening sequence for movie based on famous novel by Sergei Lukyanenko

Stars Vision
Dome Lightshow for King Abdulaziz Camel Festival 2018 in Saudi Arabia